

  • Blood Tests
    The measures of sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, blood urea nitrogen, magnesium, creatinine, glucose...  Also tests focusing on cholesterol levels, LDL and HDL,, triglyceride...
    - A complete blood count (CBC)
    - Blood chemistry tests
    - Blood enzyme tests
    - Blood tests to assess heart disease risk
    - Etc...

  • Urine Tests
    Also known as: Urine Test; Urine Analysis; UA
    Formal name: Urinalysis
    Related tests: Urine Culture; Urine Protein; BUN; Creatinine; Creatinine Clearance; Urine Albumin; eGFR; Kidney Stone Analysis; Kidney Stone Risk Panel; Glucose Tests; Renal Panel; Bilirubin

  • Stool Exams
    Also known as: Bacterial Culture, stool; Feces Culture
    Formal name: Enteric Pathogens Culture, stool
    Related tests: Ova and Parasite Exam, Clostridium difficile and C. difficile Toxin Testing, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Widal Test, Gastrointestinal Pathogens Panel